<html><img src=floodedcockpit.png></html>\n\nYou are drowning. You must exit the cockpit within 2 minutes, but which exit?\n\n[[Swim North to the Grand Ballroom, its entry doors blocked by collapsed marble statuary.|drown]]\n[[Swim East to the Kitchen, guarded by Riddling Hydra.|drown]]\n[[Swim Southwest to Haunted Cemetery.|drown]]\n[[Swim West to Jungle Chaos.|drown]]\n
<html><img src="rathappy.png"></html>\n\n"It's so special, being here with you inside Large Pink Cube."\n"I require medicine immediately."\n\n[[Give medicine|ratb1]]\n[[NO|ruin]]\n
<html><img src="rathappy.png"></html>\n\n"I hear bats flapping to the East."\n"I hear bats flapping to the East."\n"I hear bats flapping to the North."\n"I'm looking forward to the holidays."\n\n[[Construct bat shelter|ratb1]]\n[[Do nothing|ruin]]\n
<html><img src="ratsad.png"></html>\n\n"Creeping forward now, finally, but the god damn regret. All those years. Of course you can't do that to yourself, it's just more shame. Shame on top of shame. Shame for feeling ashamed. Shame for feeling ashamed for feeling ashamed. A life dominated by shame and fear. If fear is ignorance, maybe shame is fear of the self. It always came back to the same idea: 'everyone is thinking the worst possible thing about me, and maybe they're right.' Well of course they fucking weren't, but that's how it feels when the bottom falls out and you start spiraling. The later you interrupt that, the harder you crash."\n\nMENU SELECT\n[[TOOL|rate]]\n[[GRAPH|rate]]\n[[DATA PIT|rate]]\n[[CORRAL CAM|rate]]\n
<html><img src="ratchaos.png"></html>\n\nThe vast, cold dining hall is filled with chattering species who scrape their forks on metal discs and spread the word of Gossip: that Captain chose to unleash Rat Chaos.\n\nNow they're drinking all their juice up, well, who can blame them.\n\nThe way they designed this, you climb up the big trapezoid and the tables are up there. That's where you sit when you eat. Then the big yellow cylinders are the trash, and you have to throw out your trash and put the tray away by yourself.\n\n[[Enter the White Corridor|whitecorridor]]\n[[Unleash more Rat Chaos|moreratchaos]]\n
<html><img src="whitecorridor.png"></html>\n\nDown the White Corridor in your little golf kart. It suddenly overturns, pinning you under its weight, but wait, the fun balloons burst. The entire cockpit is rapidly filling with water. You remember your training and refuse to breathe it, taking in gulps of air instead, but the air is disappearing because the cockpit is filling with water. The flare gun in your pocket is now damp and useless. The book of matches becomes damp and useless. The revolver is soaked with water (uesless.) Your vintage magazines have been ruined. Your hair and skin have become damp and useless.\n\nI discarded all the useless items for you.\n\n[[flooded cockpit|floodedcockpit]]\n
New Rat City needs a lot of love. Help New Rat City with his needs.\n\n<html><img src="rathappy.png"></html>\n\n"I'm getting lots of exercise."\n"I would like you to construct a large, pink cube."\n"I feel fucking miserable."\n\n[[Feed NRC a pellet|rata1]]\n[[Construct large, pink cube|rata2]]\n[["Do you need to talk?"|rata3]]\n
<html><img src="ratsad.png"></html>\n\nYOU'VE RUINED EVERYTHING
<html><img src="rathappy.png"></html>\n\n"Wow, everything is great."
<html><img src="chicken.png"></html>\n\nYou just got that chicken.
<html><img src="intro.png"></html>\n\nThis hallways looks very clean. Here's the android sweeper does its job polish the white tile. Closer inspection, you seeing it's clear plastic on top the white tile. Well, the red music coming out down the hall with a balmy scent breeze like bath oils, relaxation steam, lotion drinks, jelly pool. How long you been on this space station, long enough lol. Well, you found some good planets today, chicken dinner waiting back in your Quarters.\n\n[[Return to Quarters.|quarters]]\n[[Unleash Rat Chaos.|ratchaos]]\n
<html><img src="ratsad.png"></html>\n\n(New Rat City is distracted by text message)\n\n(New Rat City looks up from phone)\n\n"What? Oh. I don't know."\n\n(New Rat City stares out the window, at nothing.)\n\n"Anyway."
<html><img src="drown.png"></html>\n\nYOU DROWNED\n\nHowever, the fairies have turned you into a water-baby.\n\nGOOD END\n\n<html><img src="srank.png"></html>
<html><img src="ratsad.png"></html>\n\n"So I hated myself, created this second self to exist in my place. He wanted shitty, unhealthy things. He was just trying to execute his cultural program. He was an android. The people who knew him think I'm being too harsh, or that I'm overreacting. They don't know what it was like. This thing with my face trying to live my life for me. My real self like this tiny fetal entity, incapable of growing. It wasn't just because of teasing, you could guess as much. When areas of your mind are radioactive zones you have to stay out of, it's impossible to build an identity."\n\nYou have 8000 gold\n[[SOLAR SHIELD : "It didn't help that I was chronically physically ill,"|ratd]]\n[[FUSION PAK : "felt disgusting, hated my body to the point that I didn't want to leave the house,"|ratd]]\n[[GHOST FOOD : "and stayed this way well into my 20s.|ratd]]\n
<html><img src="ratsad.png"></html>\n\n"I feel like I make everyone uncomfortable. I feel like I'm making you uncomfortable right now. I look at people the wrong way. I react the wrong way. I'm never myself. I get nervous and then I'm being puppeteered by this awful thing. My face freezes up. I can track back to when I was 12? 13? That was a conscious choice, I would try to just stop emoting. If I laughed, if I smiled, it was a sign of weakness. I was used to being attacked. Not physically, after a while, just emotionally. It's almost better the other way, when you're small, when some kid has a problem and they try to beat your ass, so you beat them back, harder. Then you get punished. They punish both of you, because they're cowards. Those kids wise up, they realize they don't have to go through all that. They just call you a faggot, and they watch what happens when that hits you, completes a circuit with the awareness inside that there are people called faggots, and you know who they are, and you know you're one of them, and these guys must be able to tell somehow. No Internet to read, no one to talk to, the entire universe is you and your parents and the TV and the Nintendo."\n\nRide dune buggy to:\n[[PARTS DEPOT|ratc]]\n[[CATHEDRAL CONSTRUCTION|ratc]]\n\n
winter lake
<html><img src="moreratchaos.png"></html>\n\n"Yes...yes, Captain, can you hear me....but no...you are no Space Ship Captain...Computer User, I know your soul. I know about it. How you managed to unleash this much Rat Chaos...I can not guess. But we get ahead of our selfs. First, the formal introductions. I am New Rat City, Avatar of Rats. And your name? (SAY NAME OUT LOUD)\n\n...aaaah, what an interesting name. Well, [YOUR NAME,] you are ready for more responsibility. Journey with me to Planet of Rat."\n\n[[O.K.|planetofrat]]\n[[Sure.|planetofrat]]\n[[Sounds good.|planetofrat]]\n[[I want to do it.|planetofrat]]\n[[Take me to Planet of Rat.|planetofrat]]\n[[I have always wanted to do this.|planetofrat]]\n[[O.K.|planetofrat]]\n[[Only you can take me there.|planetofrat]]\n[[but you're a rat|planetofrat]]\n[[O.K.|planetofrat]]\n
rat chaos